Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Rainbow Abyss, Book 1 of Sun-Cross by Barbara Hambley

Finished on 6/25

This had been my "sitting outside with the dog" book, so it has taken a while to finish. I don't remember when I started it.

I'm pretty sure I've read some of Hambley's fantasy before - but none of it comes to mind at the moment. I suppose I could go look for a list in the from of the book, but that is out in the den - and I don't feel like trekking out there at the moment. I believe that I was introduced to her as a fantasy writer and was surprised to find that she wrote murder mysteries.

This is fantasy, pleasant but not all that special. Wizards are a persecuted minority, and that is the driver of most of the action as student and master dodge the bad guys. The rest is the master's construct which allows them to contact a far universe - one where magic has been eliminated.

In the finale of this book, the student goes through the portal and the back of the book informs me that he lands in Nazi Germany and at this point, I'm not up to dealing with a WWII fantasy. Maybe after I reread all her 19th century New Orleans murder mysteries.

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