Saturday, July 27, 2013

Genesis (KJV)

Finished on 7/6.

Not much to say about this one. I expect everyone is pretty familiar with the plot. I have always liked the King James for the beauty of the writing and the NIV for the clarity, but lately I have been hearing reading from a lot of other translations - or paraphrases. So I thought I would go back to my favorites and see if I need to reevaluate.

I'm not sure which of the more recent versions are full translations - and I am extremely leery of simplifications and paraphrases. Paraphrases remind me of the Gossip Game (my daughter informs me that they sometimes called it "Telephone," where the leader whispers something to the person next to him or her who in turn whispers it to the next person, and everyone gets a laugh at how mangled the message is when the last person tells the group what he heard.

It has seemed to me that as I hear the newer versions and automatically convert the text to the KJV in my head that a lot of nuance is lost in what I am hearing.

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