Friday, January 7, 2011

Faefever by Karen Marie Moning

OK - I have to take a break. I do have the fourth book and will read it and I will read the fifth book when it comes out. But I am going to read something else first. Maybe the new book club book which arrived today, or maybe I'll reread the book for the Facebook reading group. Or both.

At one level I am still trying to figure out why this group of really intelligent and interesting women is so fascinated by these books. They are not, in spite of the cover blurbs, sexy. There is a lot of thinking and talking about sex - and now at the end of this book doing it - but it is not sexy in any romantic sense: it is violent and perverse. Also, I think I can state without hyperbole that it has the highest density of the "F" word of anything that I have ever read - it is overused to the point where I start making mental comments about limited vocabularies.

Armageddon seems to have arrived, but I know there are two more books in the series, and in an afternote the author points out that she promised (foreshadowed, she calls it) a happy ending. Remember, she points out, that Mac initially is describing all of this in the past and that she refers to happy days to come. Moning must be taking a lot of flak from her readers.

Maybe I am just grumpy today because I accidentally closed an unsaved file this afternoon and lost six hours of work - which work is due on Monday. Guess how I am spending the rest of this weekend --

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