Thursday, March 10, 2011

Night Work by Laurie R. King

This one does actually take place in San Francisco. It measures up to the previous books in the series, except in one small point - I figured out who the murderers were before I was a quarter of the way in. A little disappointing. She did string a couple of very attractive red herrings across the path, but they weren't quite persuasive enough to change my mind. On the other hand, although I did figure out who the killers were, I didn't figure out the side mystery.

The theme of this one is the abuse of women, grim enough a topic for this series. King gives us a group of women who identify themselves as the Ladies of Perpetual Disgruntlement who take elaborate and hysterically funny action against abusers who are unpunishable under the law - for example, one is duct taped to a picture window nude, of course, with his equipment painted bright purple. We also get a team of vigilantes who deal with abusers more permanently.

An update on the continuing characters - Kate's partner and his new wife are expecting. Their friend Roz and her partner are expecting. And Kate and her partner are going to try to be expecting, too. The next one should be ankle-deep in diapers.

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