Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

Okay, I finished it. I sincerely hope that the next choice for the "BookEnds" is more enjoyable. Now I can begin Spring Break with a clear conscience without the task of reading this hanging over my head.

Perhaps its sole saving grace (can it be called a saving grace if it was insufficient to actually save it?) were the endless references to SF/Fantasy novels, writers, and characters. They were well-enough embedded and sufficiently apropos to make it quite clear that the writer himself was as big a SF dork as his character. And maybe this is just bad temper because the kidlets in the book club were so whiny about the last book which required them to think a little bit, but I'll wager that only one other member of the group will recognize any of those references except the Tolkien ones - and maybe not all of those - since I'll bet they saw the movies, but I doubt if they have read the books.

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