Friday, March 25, 2011

Artistic License by Julie Hyzy

I have enjoyed Hyzy's "cozy" mysteries and even more her earlier legitimate mysteries. Artistic License was her first novel. This book is disappointing in so many ways that I'm not sure I can fairly catalog them. I was hard put to actually finish it. Only the thought that I could then say what I thought of it here kept me reading.

Even granting that it was actually romantic suspense rather than mystery, it was banal and predictable. The main character is annoying and stupid - and given to whiny dependence on others. This is particularly striking, I suppose, because I just finished reading True Grit in which the heroine is a stubborn fourteen year old who never lets anyone put anything over on her.

Although it is possible for the reader to guess the main plot "twists" from the first chapter, it isn't necessary because there are neon lights at every corner telling you what to expect. Frankly, after reading this I am surprised that anyone gave Hyzy a second chance. I'm glad someone did - because she certainly got better.

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