Sunday, February 13, 2011

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Yes, of course I have read it before - many times.

No need to explain this one - except that I was eating supper at my desk and had finished the previous book. E-books are much easier to read while eating than paper books, so I scrolled down through the free stuff that I had downloaded and found Alice. It has been years since I last read it - and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Kindle doesn't do illustrations, so I had to remember the Tenniel illustrations - no problem - but I did regret the lack of formatting. The mouse's tail just isn't quite the same as a paragraph.

Maybe the years between readings wasn't a bad thing, because I was amazed at the contemporary flavor of the word games that he plays. And I had totally forgotten the giant puppy, although when I read it I remembered the illustration clearly. Another thing I had forgotten (maybe because my father never bothered to read it to us) is the piece of moralizing at the very end. Or maybe it actually wasn't there - there were several notations about "earlier editions." I only remember Alice waking up with her sister and telling her about her dream and then running off to tea, not several pages of the sister thinking about Alice growing up - rather painful after all the whimsy.

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