Friday, August 8, 2014

Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

24Jul. Kindle.

Second books can be difficult. Characters are established and a balance has been created - if the writer has done that which I most unreasonably demand of them - that they finish the story rather than sign off leaving Pauline tied to the railroad track with the 8:15 due at any minute. Inevitably, the new crisis must be bigger and badder than anything in the previous book and yet have its roots in the events of the original story.

The Crows are one of the more charming of the various terra indigene. They are curious and acquisitive, making them naturals as watchers and informers. One bit in the first book has one of the human characters trying to explain to a Crow in human form that she must give the customer the correct change even if it means that she has to give him some "shiny" not just bills. And, since they are such fun and fairly harmless characters, it is doubly shocking that they are singled out for deliberate mass murder.

It all develops into a world-wide plot to exterminate the terra indigene and make humans dominant. The vehicle being used by the Humans First and Last movement is significantly gruesome. No question about who are the bad guys.

There are still some threads carrying over. Will Lieutenant Monty recover his daughter? Are Meg and Simon ever going to realize that they are in love with each other - everybody else knows. The baddest bad escaped capture and becoming dinner, can he rebuild his evil business? There are doubtless future installments.

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