Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

2Aug. Kindle.

Surely I have reread this since high school, but based on what I didn't remember about it, I'm not sure. I've read Wuthering Heights by sister Emily several times; of course, it was required for at least two lit classes that I took within the last twenty years.

Jane is definitely not as complex as Wuthers but it was a fairly satisfying read. I'm pretty sure that some of the things that I "remembered" about it came from movies rather than from my earlier reading. I remembered St. John as a good, well-intentioned guy that loved her - not exactly, he was arrogant and manipulative. I did remember how nasty Jane's Aunt Reed was, but I didn't remember that she made an attempt (minimal, but still) to repair the consequences of some of her nastiness - too little, too late - but at least a gesture. At least Charlotte killed off the vicious, hateful cousin. I am quite certain that my memory of the scene of Jane's reunion with Mr. Rochester was from a movie. Oh, well.

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