Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dark Heavens Trilogy by Kylie Chan

White Tiger

Red Phoenix

Blue Dragon

The next batch are coming out, so it seemed like a good idea to reread the original three.

It may have been too soon for a complete reread. Although I did not remember large chunks of it, I found it all a little tiresome and had to keep reminding myself that it is YA - or is it? Emma's age argues against, but the school setting and the lack of depth definitely put it in the category. It isn't that I find it a little difficult to categorize, I find a lot of stuff that crosses that particular boundary quite satisfying - maybe it is a little repetitive. I also found some of her language mannerisms more annoying this time than the first time through. Maybe it is just Aussie English, and I should just accept it.

Not much to say about a reread. It did seem to me that when they finally took out 122, the nemesis that had hounded them for the entire series, it was a little anticlimactic. He got away from them time and time and time again, then at the end, she just blows him away. Also, leaving unresolved for three fairly long books the fundamental nature of the main character was rather annoying. It started to read like one of the "nya, nya, nya - you're going to have to buy the next book" things. First read, I kept thinking it would be resolved in book three, no such luck.

I guess I had vaguely thought that this might be something to add to the "reread frequently" list. Oh well. Maybe this semester is just being more tiring than I thought it would be. I hope so - because at this point, I am prepared to be really nasty about the second series.

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