Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Red Phoenix by Kylie Chan

More martial arts, more demons, and Emma's poor unsuspecting family "finds out." It turns out that her sister's British solicitor husband (well, his family) has been working for Mr. Chen for somewhere in the vicinity of 200 years. So he is thrilled to pieces and "My Lord" and "My Lady"ing all over the place which sets sister Jennifer into new hysterics and totally demolishes her program of being the gracious lady herself.

Of course, as Emma's true being begins to emerge even more complications arise. Not the least of which is the arrival and narrowly avoided kidnapping of her parents from Australia, only to have them face a full-out assault by an overwhelming force of demons in the airport parking structure. Fortunately for all, True Emma is pretty overwhelming herself. And everyone gets cleaned up in time to go to Emma's graduation ceremony where she is awarded her MBA.

Chan has several story threads at the crisis point by now - I don't think she can let them twist in the wind for seven more books. So I had better get on with it and find out what's up. I do know there are two more trilogies to follow this one, but I'm not sure how tightly they follow. Of course, my friend at school has now started book three in the murder mystery series that I'm reading and shared with her, so I need to catch up there, too. And I have a paper due in a week or so in this class I'm taking, and the guy I decided to write about is one who doesn't produce 6,589,452 hits on Google. I'm actually going to have to go to the library!!

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