Thursday, November 28, 2013

An Officer's Duty (Theirs Not to Reason Why) by Jean Johnson

Having accomplished all she can as an enlisted Marine, Ia is awarded a field commission and is shipped of to OCS. A curious feature of TUPSF (remember - Terran United Planets Space Force) is that it encompasses all of the conventional branches of the military with the exception of the Air Force - I suppose because in-atmosphere flight is simply passe - or at least superceded by space flight. I wonder why it is that in science fiction it is always the Navy that flies space ships, perhaps it is because space flight vehicles are traditionally known as "ships" - hence the responsibility falls to the Navy with its archaic ranking system.

Whatever. At any rate, Ia has the choice to attend the officer's academy in any branch and chooses the navy because she knows that she must be ready to command a ship to be built with a doomsday weapon that only she can handle.

At the academy, Ia encounters a man who is invisible to her precognition. This makes their relationship something very different for her. This also constitutes a flashing neon light saying "This guy is important!!!"

Johnson's prose is certainly effective in the context, if not extremely imaginative, but she dropped in the word "politarazzi" - a new one to me. Google informs me that it is probably not of her coinage - but it is such a charming and descriptive word that I am eternally grateful to her for throwing it in my path.

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